#stampinup #paperpumpkin I’m in the throes of preparing way too many swap cards for next week’s Stampin’ Up convention. I always do this to myself–I sign up for far too many swaps. Well, that’s not true. I only signed up for 4 organized swaps and thought that was manageable. I want to make some “general” swaps so that I can have some cards to trade if I see some cute designs. Then, my upline asked us if we wanted to swap at our convention get together. I didn’t want to be a party pooper, so I agreed. What’s one more swap? Then, the gang that will be participating in Lydia Fiedler’s Unwind Retreat decided they wanted to swap. Yikes! I’m going to be making like 150 swaps. That’s in addition to my daily cards for the blog and my Creation Station blog hop entries. I’m one busy stamper here in the Faithful INKspirations Studio!!
But Paper Pumpkin came to my rescue! There, in my mailbox, was my little orange box of joy! I can make 8 cards in 30 minutes. This set is totes adorbs!! Just take a look at the video! I didn’t design an alternate card because these were perfect. Here are my cards. Aren’t the matching airmail envelopes darling??! (ProTip: I stamped off once to get the lighter green.)
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