#stampinup #saleabration2016 Sale-A-Bration is the most wonderful time of the Stampin’ Up year. Everyone wants to host a stamping event to earn FREE product–and it’s easy to gather a group of friends because they also want to earn FREE product! It’s not too late to schedule a workshop or other stamping event. Sale-A-Bration ends on March 31, and I have some openings before then. Contact me if you’d like to schedule a workshop or a catalog party.
Last weekend, I traveled to York, Pennsylvania, where one of my best customers lives. She and her friends save their money and their Stampin’ Up wish lists until Sale-A-Bration time and then they have a blow-out workshop!! I had a wonderful time with this great group of ladies and I think they enjoyed the projects they made. And the best part about it is that there are 3 generations of stampers: my friend Darlene, her daughter Amy (who I know from church), and Darlene’s mom–Amy’s grandmother–Pearl; plus Aunt Deb and Cousin Leann and several friends. Here they are, hard at work on their projects.
Darlene made the most wonderful invitation for her workshop. I have to share it with you!
Isn’t this invitation amazing?! I had such fun at this workshop. I’m glad it’s become an annual Sale-A-Bration tradition!
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